22 March 2009

Returning to the "real world".

I've just come back from a week-long vacation to an international (read: non-US) destination...


I adore this island so much. Despite the fact that I'm very much aware that there is year-round, international tourism very prevalent there, I was amazed to find tons and tons of Boston-based memorabilia in the gift shops. See here:

This was outside of a restaurant close to the resort at which The Boyfriend and I stayed. "...unofficial official home of Red Sox Nation" in Aruba? Now, onto the items up for purchase:

How hilarious is that? I lived in Boston for 5 years while going to college, and I'd been to Aruba three times before, but I've never seen such unexpected and... well... out-of-place Beantown love! Maybe it was the fact we were there around St. Patrick's Day.

What do you readers think is the reason for the Aruban love of Boston?

1 comment:

  1. Not sure. Are there players from Aruba on the Red Sox? Or do they spend time there? No idea.

    But I have been reading your tweets and viewing your pics and I was so happy for you! I sympathize with the return to "real world" ughness and hope that you carry the Aruban happy around with you for many days still.

    Welcome home! I hope it all goes smoothly.
